Gavin MiCHAEL 





Welcome to MY site. It is like me, a work in progress. I will continue to grow it and share more as I learn.

I have been creating Culture and building Communities since 1993, when I started my first full time role, Director of Cultural Activities at Prince Edward School, in Zimbabwe.

My real learning started when I was lucky enough to join the inaugural faculty at ALA, African Leadership Academy in 2008. This is where I was able to truly see and explore Community and Culture building in an extraordinary way.

This opened doors to working with ALU, African Leadership University, ALX and the entire AL Group and now with Sand Technologies. 

Culture is vital to form and maintain.

Community is everything.

Through all my roles, professionally and socially, for the past decades, I have found that I love doing this, and that good, healthy authentic - thriving - cultures and communities make living more enjoyable and fulfilling.

And it has made me love living my life. 

As I age, I want to collect some of my thoughts and learnings down - as they say - if you don't tell your own story, well, which version will we hear.